
White Cloud is an experience undergone through vigorous training and from which comes true knowledge and understanding. As such the sytems we teach are the fruits of the labour & love of our senior instructors, Grown from the seeds planted by Master Derek Gordon. Each generation will cultivate the arts and sow new seeds for the future. 

Hence White Cloud is a fluid construct, which is much more than just the sum of the individual arts, nor is the current White Cloud the end product of these systems but is always evolving and adapting. The name itself 'White Cloud' is symbolic of the club's philosophy on Martial Arts training, that is, one of pureness (white) and free flowing movements (like a cloud), both in physical and mental form.

The White Cloud Martial Arts Academy is the original school founded in 1962 by Master Derek Gordon, passed directly to his highest ranked student Master Dave Cowell in 1994 and now training exclusively at St Bede's RC Sports College.  Over the years many instructors have been trained at the White Cloud Academy and several now run successful schools of their own.  However, although these instructors are White Cloud trained they are not recognised by the Academy and as such neither are any of their students. 

The White Cloud Martial Arts Academy at St Bedes is not associated with any other school of Kung Fu and is the only place to learn the White Cloud Kung Fu system devised by Master Derek Gordon!

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