Chinese Long Boxing
In form, this is the simplest of the White Cloud systems and is generally used to introduce students into the world of Martial Arts. Long Boxing (or Chang Chuan) consists of four basic blocks and numerous strikes utilising various parts of the body, the training is physically demanding and will develop the strength and conditioning the student will need for the road ahead.
New Round of Classes Starting
A New round of classes will be starting on both Tuesday's and Fridays from November.... more
A New round of classes will be starting on both Tuesday's and Fridays from November.... more
Brian Eastwood - White Cloud's New Black Belt.
The grading on Sunday 25th August not only saw Brian Eastwood earn his Black Belt but also Alan Williamson, an instructor since 2004 reach the rank of 3rd Dan.... more
The grading on Sunday 25th August not only saw Brian Eastwood earn his Black Belt but also Alan Williamson, an instructor since 2004 reach the rank of 3rd Dan.... more